
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
62: Another Simpsons Clip Show
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Look, yes, it's a clip show. But Nick and James, having been handed lemons, make...well, maybe not lemonade, but some sort of sweetened beverage. Did I find a light gimmick to work into this during the editing process? Kind of.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
61: Lisa's Enemy
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
60: Bart of Darkness
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Is it St Swithen's Day already?! James and Nick are back with a bunch of thoughts and observations that sort-of run perpendicular to the truly great Simpsons episode 'Bart of Darkness'. Come for the episode analysis, stay for the weird musical tangents, the reminiscence of the days of our youth, and Nick getting noticeably uncomfortable over how effusive James is in his praise of the show.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Sneaky Peaks: Pilot
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Welcome to Sneaky Peaks. My name is James O’Connor. I live for Twin Peaks. I am known as Jickle. There is a story behind that. I have many theories about Twin Peaks. Some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are theories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery – the mystery of David Lynch.
Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the words. The words we’re going to say about Twin Peaks (on this podcast).
To introduce this podcast, let me just say that it encompasses the pilot – it is beyond the “Simpsons”, though few of our episodes are about that. It is a podcast for many, but it begins with one – and I know him.
The one leading to the many is Nick. Nick is the one.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Twenty-Two Films About Springfield: The Simpsons Movie Commentary
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
For one reason or another, we're back at it again with The Simpsons Movie! This time we're back with a real-time audio commentary as we watch the whole film and chime in with our thoughts about the movie (and a bunch of other things). Tune in for some great revelations! Why does Nick know so much about film stock? What did the two hosts get up to during that weird period where they lived together? Which local magazine owes James a bunch of money? Ah, uh, what do they think of that scene where you see Bart's little boy? Come listen to us watch this movie for...hopefully the last time?
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Hello! Season 5 of The Simpsons ends on a bit of a weird note, so we decided to bring in Elliot Jay O'Neill from The Simpsons Index podcast to, uh, help us also end on a weird note. Lots of questions to address here: has Homer become unstuck in time? Who is the Fleshmütter? How long can we go without introducing our guest? Isn't it, like, kind of abusive to tell your wife that you're going to die if she doesn't let you start depending on her again? This one hasn't aged so well!
Also in this episode: our top five episodes of The Simpsons season 5, a forward-sell for the next movie episode, and some further information about that weird bit of podcast lore where James keeps alluding to that period of time when he was living with Nick. Come listen to us wrap up the season and grow increasingly wary about the fact that we only have three seasons left of the 'golden age'!
Part of the Alottagreen network.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com
The Simpsons Index

Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
58: The Boy Who Knew Too Much / Lady Bouvier's Lover
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
As we approach the end of season 5 like a couple of...non...giving up podcast guys, your hosts James and Nick contemplate the big questions. Does The Boy Who Knew Too Much actually make much sense? Does the trial work on a legal level? Is Lady Bouvier's Lover, just quietly, a masterpiece? Would Nick enjoy The Graduate? What happens when James sits down to write the show notes after a long day of work and just doesn't have the energy or brain power to remember what this episode is about?
(Also this week: check out our cameo on the 100th episode of Shut Up And Take My Podcast on your podcatcher of choice!)
Part of the Alottagreen Network. Listen to their other shows!
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
57: Burns' Heir / Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Your pod friends James and Nick have finally covered 100 episodes of seldom-seen animated American sitcom The Simpsons! We look forward to the next 550-or-so, which we're sure will...retain the high level of quality we've enjoyed thus far, right?
In this episode of the podcast we look at the time Burnsy more-or-less kidnapped Bart and then the one where there's a dog in the vents and Skinner gets fired.
Discussion topics this week: Thomas Pynchon (as he relates to Burns' Heir), the ads before movies (as seen in Burns' Heir), whether or not Deadpool knows that he's in a movie (uuuh, I forget why), the trailer for Danny Boyle's 'Yesterday' (it's kind-of relevant), Snagglepuss (because he's mentioned in that second episode), and...a bunch of stuff about The Simpsons. It's a good show, honestly.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Eat My Shorts 13: Revolver (The Beatles, 1966)
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Track listing
1. Taxman Is Outdated
2. Eleanor Rigby, If I Recall This Inspired Our Ongoing Joke, Now We Go For Broke
3. The I'm Only Sleeping / Wake Up Jeff Feud
4. Love You To What, Exactly?
5. Here, There, And Everywhere, Which Is Also A Song, We Guess
6. The Yellow Submarine, Which Is, As I Recall, Where We All Live?
7. She Said She Said Yada Yada Yada
8. Good Day Sunshine? What's So Good About It, Exactly?
9. And Your Bird Can Sing, The Song That Slaps
10. For No One, Which Is An Appropriate Name
11. Doctor Robert Colossus
12. I Want To Tell You (That We're Really Just Waiting For Tomorrow Never Knows At This Point)
13. Got To Get You Into My Life, And Other Songs About Pods in the Key of Springfield
14. 007: Tomorrow Never Knows
BONUS: Nick Strums The Classics

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
56: Bart Gets An Elephant
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
On this week's episode of The Simpsons... -checks notes- it says here that Bart gets an elephant? And the family struggles to feed it? That can't be right? This is, like, season 5, right? And how many more seasons did the show go for?....it's...it's still going? Oh. Well then.
This week Nick and James ask the question on everyone's lips: where's my elephant?
Also, there's a competition. You can win a thing. Instructions are early on in the episode.
Twitter: @KeySpringfield
FB: facebook.com/podsinthekeyofspringfield
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com