
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
55: Homer Loves Flanders
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
54: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy / Deep Space Homer
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
This week, the madman behind the scenes - Dr Colossus - flickers across our screen for a moment, and we are made to know a thin portion of his horror. As Homer escapes into space later in our pairing, we earthbound fools are left to tremble over his coming dominion.
Also this week: Mr Burns being quite good at turning Smithers on! Stupid Lisa Garbage Face! Toiling in underground sugar mines! And all the other moments from that TV show you like, immortalised by two guys sort of talking around them.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
53: Bart Gets Famous / Homer and Apu
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
The story of how two friends (and no other men) parlayed a lifelong interest in an animated sitcom into a thriving podcast concern is a long and interesting one. And here it is. It all started with the filing of form 1217B - an expression of interest in recording and distributing a weekly audio file...
...many important things have been podcasted about over the years. True crime, parodies of true crime, other podcasts...why, even food and candy. But we only make podcasts to discuss The Simpsons.
The opening segment of the podcast is the most popular part of it. Yes, it's the same as all the other parts, but with one important difference...oh, we took that out. Yes, it is just like the rest of the podcast.
What's that over there? That's just Earwolf, where they record Comedy Bang Bang and other non-Simpsons related podcasts. Since it has nothing to do with The Simpsons, I'll just shut these blinds.
Now, here's the podcast. If you direct your eyes to your podcatcher, you'll see a timer. Follow it, and it will lead you from the start through to the end of the episode.
(Also we talk about Apu)
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
The Pods in the Key of Springfield January 2019 Holiday Bonus Episode
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Yep, it's that time again - late January, the time of year where we're all still celebrating Christmas. This is a perfectly normal time to release a holiday episode in which we open presents from one another, and I won't hear it suggested otherwise. This is a thing that would have happened even if the present Nick had ordered had arrived back in December, for sure, without a doubt.
Now let's all enjoy a traditional January holiday song:
Dashing under the sun, Open iTunes and press ‘play’, Through season 5 we go, Laughing all the way!
Christmas never ended, The uniquely Australian plight, We’ve cooked up for this episode, To justify our conceptual night
January Bells, January Bells, Happy new podcast day! Oh what fun it is to cast, In the month of Janua-ray

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
52: $pringfield / Homer the Vigilante
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
We're back at it again! This week we check out dollar-pringfield, in which Marge is enslaved by the neon-clawed Gamblor, and Homer the Vigilante, in which a cat burglar commits a series of unlikely thefts.
So what do we get into this week? Religion (kind of)! Disgraced comedians! The Australian gambling epidemic! Some poetry, for some reason! Sleepwalking! The very concept of vigilante justice! And a bunch of stuff about The Simpsons, obviously, because the show continues to be delightful and amusing well into season 5.
Pods in the Key of Springfield! We don't have any fancy guests and we can't create good memes, but we think it's pretty good anyway.
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Eat My Shorts 12: Virtual Bart
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Virtual reality has turned into a pretty interesting space in the last few years. There are finally proper good games coming out for VR systems, VR training is working its way into various industries, and VR cinema/theatre is slowly starting to look more like a thing. And then there's Virtual Bart, the 1994 SNES/Genesis game that showed us the true potential for VR - it could be used to turn little Barty boy into a pigman.
Join us for another installment of Control Pods in the Key of Springfield, where we dig into the magic of VR, reminisce about playing this horror show of a game as kids, and get very worked up about how great 'Tetris Effect' is.
Part of the Alottagreen podcast network.

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
51: Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood / The Last Temptation of Homer
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Oh wow, the Simpsons was good in season 5. Like, seriously, bloody hell. What a good pair of episodes.
This week, James and Nick join the Junior Campers to talk about the 90s economy, abstraction in animation, and just how long Bart and company spend stranded at sea. They talk about the stupid things they believed as kids, their own experiences with scout troops, and...do some actual critique. Wow!
In the back half, your two podfriends talk the greatness of Mindy Simmons, the regressive policies of the Springfield Power Plant, Springfield's tube economy, and, uh, the one scene in this episode where Barney very clearly looks beyond the veil and witnesses horrors we can't comprehend. What a time! What an episode!
Then at the end they rank their favourite chocolate bars, if that's a thing you want to hear. Enjoy!
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com
Twitter: @KeySpringfield
Facebook: facebook.com/podsinthekeyofspringfield

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
50: Marge on the Lam / Bart's Inner Child
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
In honour of this episode pairing's 'Do As You Feel Festival', we're going to skip the standard podcast description. It's episode 50. You get it right now, and if you don't, you should listen to us until you do (uh, please).
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com

Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
49: Treehouse of Horror IV
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
It's the end of November, so naturally those smart lads at Pods in the Key of Springfield, with their good sense of scheduling, are putting out a Halloween episode. In this spooky chat they pick apart Treehouse of Horror IV (The Devil & Homer Simpson, Terror at 5 1/2 Feet, Bart Simpson's Dracula), and come away with a few questions. What is the legal precedent for the case of Homer v. Satan? What's going on with the funny little green ghoul? Who is HP Lovecraft, exactly? Will Adam Scott do a good job in the new Twilight Zone? Is Uter travelling between dimensions? Is it as important to wash your neck before visiting a vampire as Mr Burns makes it out to be? Does Count von Count from Sesame Street need blood to live?
This one's good, we reckon. Come enjoy it!
Twitter: @KeySpringfield
FB: facebook.com/podsinthekeyofspringfield
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com
Also this week, James and Nick have a cameo on the D&D podcast 'Aussies and Dragons' - go check that out.

Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
It's two (significantly shorter than usual) episodes for the price of one (which is still nothing, this podcast is entirely free)! Recently, Bongo's long running Simpsons Comics released its 245th-and-final issue, ending a run that has lasted for over twenty years. James and Nick picked up the final issue to read through it, and present here their condensed rendition of the weird little story it tells. Does Batman get involved? Will they reference that letter James had published once? What weird trick is James going to annoy Nick with at the end? Come check out our bittersweet musings on the end of an era.
But there's more! James recently caught up with Daniel Wilks, the head of the Alottagreen podcast network - the very network that Pods in the Key of Springfield is now a part of - to question him on his relationship with the Simpsons, the rest of the network's stable of shows, and various other important questions he cribbed from Marc Maron.
Twitter: @KeySpringfield
Facebook: Just, like, search for us my friend
email: podsinthekeyofspringfield@gmail.com
Part of the Alottagreen network.